Where are the Refs? What are we waiting for?, News, Novice 2 (Teal), U8, 2014-2015 (Lindsay Minor Hockey)

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Dec 16, 2014 | pdavis | 800 views
Where are the Refs? What are we waiting for?
Sunday had us visiting Kawartha in the town of Omemee for our only meeting of the season

We arrived and were ready for the 4pm game and the kids were pumped and excited about their win against Woodville and were ready to go!!!!!
There was an issue though...somebody forgot to book the refs.
The kids were out on the ice for 25 minutes and Coach Joey kept them entertained and had them running skating drills, celebration techniques, etc.  Joey also kept the other coaching staff entertained during the long wait and everyone was having a good time.
The emergency refs arrived and the Arena bosses allowed us to play the game with a 45 minute no stop time game.  We thank the Kawartha coaching staff for managing to get us the refs so we could play and for talking the arena into letting us play later than our allotted time.
Less than 4 minutes into the game Ian K was parked in front of the net and took a pass from Sammy T and netted our first goal to take an early 1-0 lead.
Jarrett B took the puck just outside of our blue line and skated through 3 defenders and got to the net and scored to make it 2-0
Kawartha never gave up throughout the game and had some solid players that had good hands and fast legs.
They made the score 2-1 with 30 minutes left to play.
With 28 minutes to go our line was all over them in their end and had a few shots at the net but the goalie managed to keep the puck out of the net.  However, Owen D picked up the puck between the hash marks and fired the puck which beat the goalie on the left hand side to make it 3-1
The game from that point went back and forth with Kawartha's big line showing they did not want to lose.
The score was 3-2 and Josh G went end to end and completed it with a goal to make the score 4-2 with 18 minutes left to play.
Once again, Kawartha came back and tied the game with 7:49 seconds to go...it was 4-4
Our boys did not get discouraged and fought and dug for every puck.  Maguire D neutralized Kawartha's star player and essentially took him out of every play.
Josh D took the puck in the left corner and passed it to Sammy T who was in front of the net and we took a 5-4 lead with only 2:24 to play in the game.
Kawartha kept coming...with only 21 seconds in the game, they stole the puck from behind our net and passed it out front and tied the game up 5-5.  
This was a back and forth hard fought game by both teams who i am sure were both tired from the long wait before the drop of the puck.
The defence of Jarrett B, Aiden G, Josh G and Owen V played well and managed to stop many offensive opportunities that the Coyotes had. 
Owen D, Connor S, Josh D, Sammy T, Maguire D, Ian K and Ethan M played well and fought for every puck and played the full 200 feet of ice.
Ryerson F made some big saves on great shots from Kawartha and kept us in the game.
Congrats boys...As I said after the game...we are UNBEATEN in 2
We plan to keep it going and play strong in Bobcaygeon Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get there early..Small dressing rooms remember.
Joey and Chris have to keep the beards until we lose
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